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- King, Wyatt
Shouldn’t Want Him Page 3
Shouldn’t Want Him Read online
Page 3
But damn.
To say that he’s ashamed of his son? That he doesn’t want to see Dusty again?
I have to take a deep breath and stop myself from clenching my fists. I’m not looking for a fight today, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Dusty be treated that way ever again.
If he’s not welcome at home, he’ll just have to stay with me.
“Stay here tonight,” I say, the words leaving my mouth as soon before the thought has even finished forming in my head. “Stay with me. You can’t go back there—not tonight, anyway.”
“I’m not sure if I can ever go back there again,” he says, looking up at me with those big, innocent eyes that make me want to do bad things and keep him safe, all at the same time. “But I don’t want to be a burden. I didn’t come here looking for a handout. I just… I didn’t know where else to go, and I—”
“Don’t go anywhere else tonight,” I say. I’m not asking. This isn’t a negotiation. He’s mine. He’s staying with me. “We’ll figure out what to do later, when we’ve both had some rest and some time to think.” I open my arms to take in the room. “I’ve got plenty of space, and you won’t be a burden at all. I promise. Stay with me. Stay here.”
“If you’re sure?” His brows furrow, but I don’t even bother responding. Instead, I take his hand and lead him to the kitchen.
“Have a seat while I make some food. I know this isn’t ideal for you, but I promise it’s going to be okay, one way or another.”
He simply nods.
I’m glad he doesn’t press me for details, because I’m still not sure exactly how I’m going to make everything okay, but I’m glad that he still trusts me. After everything he’s been through today, I’m not sure I deserve that trust anymore.
But I’m damn certain that I won’t break it again.
“I appreciate it,” he says, finally. “You don’t have to do any of this, but I really do appreciate it. And I promise I’ll stay out of the way. You won’t even know I’m here.”
“Yes, I will,” I reply, grinning. “You’re going to be in my bed. In my arms. We’re going to figure this out together.”
He smiles back at me. It’s the first time I’ve seen his face light up all day, and it’s fucking beautiful. For the hundredth time today, I make a silent promise to myself—and to Dusty—that everything really will be okay.
I owe him that much.
He needs me right now, and I’m not going to let him down.
Not again.
Not ever.
I can feel the sun falling across my face even before I open my eyes. It can’t be morning already, can it?
We’ve only been in bed for a little while. It feels like I was just awake a few minutes ago.
I try to turn over on my side, but I’m suddenly aware of Garrick’s body pinning me to the mattress. His leg is entwined with mine and his arm is draped possessively across my chest.
“Good morning,” he murmurs, stirring against me and pulling me even closer. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” I say. “I mean… pretty good.”
Which is maybe not completely true, but it’s hard to feel anything but good right now, with Garrick’s arms wrapped around me and his hard body pressed against me.
My cock is certainly happy about it, and that has to count for something, right?
I crack open an eye to see him staring back at me, a look that is half-skeptical, half-amused on his face. He obviously knows that I’m not feeling great after everything that happened yesterday, but at least he’s not pressing me on it for now.
“Are you hungry?” he asks, though he doesn’t make any attempt to untangle our bodies. “I’m not much of a cook, to be honest, but I can make a pretty damn good breakfast.”
“Oh, um, I’m not really that hungry,” I lie as my stomach rumbles too loudly to ignore. I nibble at my lip. “Okay well, maybe a little hungry… but only if it’s not too much trouble.”
He reaches up to stroke my cheek with his fingers and my cock throbs insistently against my stomach. God, I might be hungry, but he’s also making me really horny.
“I told you last night that it’s no trouble at all for you to stay here, Dusty,” he says. “I meant it then, and I mean it now. I want you here.”
I can’t help but smile at how amazing he is. He doesn’t have to do any of this. He didn’t even have to open his door to me last night. But he’s gone way above and beyond, and he doesn’t even seem to think it’s a big deal.
He didn’t even try for sex last night—though I would have gladly said yes. He just held me close all night, until I fell asleep.
If it wasn’t for the situation with my dad hovering in the back of my mind, I would swear I’m in some kind of dream, some kind of impossibly perfect fantasy.
“I want to be here,” I say, meaning it. If I can’t go home, there’s really nowhere else I’d rather be. “But don’t you have to go to work soon?” I raise my head to look at the clock on his bedside table. “Like, shouldn’t you be there now?”
He shakes his head. “I do what I want. And what I want right now is to make you some breakfast.”
“I don’t suppose you might also want an intern after all?” I ask, the question coming out before I can even think it through. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer that. I shouldn’t have even asked. You’re doing so much for me already, and I appreciate it, but I—”
Whatever else I’d been about to say is stopped as his lips meet mine. The rough stubble of his face is in stark contrast to the surprising softness of his lips. I moan from somewhere in the back of my throat and turn over so that my already rock-hard cock is trapped between us.
God, the friction feels… amazing.
He breaks away with a laugh as I lay beneath him, half-dazed with desire. It takes me a second to remember what we were even talking about and to figure out what he thinks is so funny.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were offering me sexual favors to get your job back,” he says, still grinning even though he’s stopped laughing. “Not that I’d necessarily be opposed to that.”
I feel my face heat up as I nibble at my lip. That wasn’t what I was suggesting, of course. But I can see why it might have looked that way to him.
“I didn’t mean for it to come out like that,” I say, truthfully. “But the two things don’t have to be mutually exclusive, do they?”
His grin grows wider. “I like the way you think, Dusty. Maybe we can work something out. Maybe…” He looks thoughtful for a moment, then fixes me with a look that can only be described as mischievous. “How do you feel about taking a trip?”
“A trip?”
“With me.”
“I don’t… a trip?” I repeat, because apparently I’ve lost the ability to think and speak in actual sentences. “I’m sorry… I don’t understand. I mean, of course a trip sounds good, but…”
“It would technically be a business trip,” he says, in a way that makes it clear he thinks he’s doing a good job of explaining things. “We’ll spend a few days in New York and you can sit in on some meetings, take some notes, and just generally see if you think working for me is going to be a good fit. I won’t hold it against you if you decide otherwise, of course.”
Okay. Now I get it. “That sounds really good,” I say, my mind racing as the details start to sink in. A few days in New York. Another shot at the internship. A few days with Garrick. “It sounds perfect, actually.”
“Perfect,” he repeats. “I think it’ll be good to get away for a little while, and I honestly do have some business to take care of up there.” His eyes drift down to my lips and back again. “Not that it has to be all business while we’re there.”
My cock throbs again from the way he’s looking at me now. “Whatever you say,” I whisper, barely able to stop myself from thrusting my hips against his leg again. God, how was it that
he could turn me on so much just by looking at me? “Whatever you want to do.”
“Dusty, listen,” he says, all traces of that grin leaving his face as his tone switches to one hundred percent business. “I know what I said before, in my office. I know I told you I expect you to do what I say… but this is different. You don’t have to do any of this if you don’t want to—you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Sleeping with me—or not—isn’t going to affect your internship, one way or the other. You’ll earn that on your own merits. I just want to be clear on that. I don’t want or expect anything from you, okay?”
I’m surprised and a little embarrassed that we’re having this conversation, and that he’s being so direct about it. But I’m glad, too. I like that he says what he means, and I like that he seems to want me for me, whether I actually end up working for him or not.
That’s good to hear. It’s something I needed to hear.
“Okay,” I say. “I understand. And thank you. I appreciate you more than you know. But just for the record,” I finally give in and grind my hips against his thigh, thrusting my cock against him and hopefully leaving no doubt about just how hot I think he is. “I do want to sleep with you. And… and more than sleep. I want to do what you say. I want it all.”
He leans in and kisses my neck, then nips at the sensitive skin there. “Jesus, you’re so fucking hot. Breakfast might have to wait a little while longer.”
“It can wait until dinner,” I say, breathless as his mouth travels lower, his teeth grazing my nipple as he teases me. “It can wait until tomorrow.”
He laughs. “No, it can’t wait that long, beautiful. Or if it does, I guess we’ll be having breakfast in New York.”
“We’re leaving tomorrow?” I ask, so surprised that I momentarily stop thinking with my cock. “Wow. You really meant it when you said you do what you want.”
He grins up at me and nods. “I did mean that. But we’re not leaving tomorrow. We’re leaving today. This afternoon. Which means that maybe we’d better continue this in the shower, hm?”
I nod, then laugh right along with him. Nothing about this feels real. I’ve gone from what was absolutely the worst day of my life to what might possibly be one of the best, and I still can’t stop pinching myself, waiting to wake up from this crazy dream.
But the way Garrick looks at me is real.
The way he’s kissing me right now is very real.
And the way I can’t stop myself from wanting him—all of him, all the time?
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s real, too.
I have to school my features to keep from grinning like an idiot as I watch Dusty looking out the window of my jet. His eyes have been as big as saucers from the moment we stepped on board, and I’ve somehow managed to resist stripping him down and fucking him right here on the buttery leather seats up until this point.
Of course, it helps that he gave me an amazing blowjob in the shower this morning.
And another one after breakfast turned into lunch.
But fuck if I’m not already horny again as I picture his sexy, generous mouth wrapped around every inch of my cock.
“This is amazing,” he whispers, cutting into my fantasy and making me smile anyway. “I mean, I’ve flown before, but… but not like this.”
I nod, trying to think back to when I used to think it was all fun and amazing, too.
It’s been a while since I’ve felt that way.
But seeing him so happy—almost giddy, really—does something to me. There’s a feeling bubbling up inside of me that is warm and fuzzy, a feeling that would be scary if it didn’t seem so right.
And that feeling is all because of him, no doubt about that.
He turns his attention back to me and I can see that sexy pink color creeping up from his collar. It’s a dead giveaway that he’s flustered.
Or horny.
“Is everything okay?” he asks, nibbling at his lip and making it damn near impossible for me to stay in my seat. “You have a funny look on your face…”
There are only a few feet separating us, but it’s almost more than I can stand, especially after having him in my arms almost non-stop for most of the day.
“Everything is perfect,” I say. Then I grin, because I just can’t help myself. “Almost perfect, anyway.”
“Almost?” he asks, the flush in his cheeks deepening. “Is… is there anything I can do to help make it better?”
I take my time answering, because I’m thinking of a hundred different ways he can make things better. Each of those hundred ways starts the same, though.
“Take your shirt off,” I say, making myself ease back into my seat. I want to enjoy every second of what we’re about to do.
“B-but…” He glances toward the curtain that separates the main cabin from the front of the plane. “What if… you know… what if they see?”
I bite the inside of my lip to keep from grinning again. “They won’t see,” I say, then shrug. “And if they do, they certainly won’t interrupt.”
Some of the color momentarily drains from his face before coming back even stronger, and I finally do give in and chuckle a little. I shouldn’t tease him, but he’s so innocent that it’s hard not to.
“It’s going to be okay, sexy,” I say, hoping to calm his nerves a little. “You’re with me now. Let me do the worrying. I won’t make you do anything that you won’t enjoy.”
He’s still looking at me with wide eyes, but he only hesitates for a moment longer before he reaches for the hem of his t-shirt and lifts it over his head.
Even though I’ve seen him naked at least half a dozen times in the past twenty-four hours, watching him undress never fails to take me from just a little horny to turned the fuck on in approximately point-five seconds.
“Jesus, Dusty,” I whisper, as his fingers move down to the button on his jeans. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
And watching him slide his jeans and underwear down until he’s sitting there across from me completely naked in that plush leather seat?
It literally takes my breath away.
“What should I do now?” he asks, resting his arms on the sides of the seat and exposing himself to me completely.
My eyes roam up and down his sweet, sexy body for another minute—over his toned chest and abs, his narrow waist and delicious cock that’s already leaking and straining toward me.
Yeah, my sexy boy wants this. He wants it bad.
“You want me to tell you what to do?” I ask, even though I already know the answer. Still, hearing him say the words is like music to my ears. “You want to make me happy, babe?”
He nods. “I do. Please, I’ll do whatever you want, Garrick.”
“That’s right.” I’m tempted to make him get on his knees and suck me again, but then think better of it. This is his first time in a private jet, and I want to make it memorable for him. “Spread your legs, beautiful.”
His little pink tongue darts out to lick his lips as he opens his thighs wide for me. His cock is throbbing against the base of his stomach, leaving a smear of pre-cum that looks so fucking tasty I can’t stop myself from getting out of my seat and moving closer.
The jet is spacious by airplane standards, but my face is practically in his lap as soon as I ease down onto the floor. That’s fine though. That’s exactly where I want to be.
As desperate as I am to get my mouth on that pretty cock, I can’t help but tease him a little first.
I nip at the sensitive skin of his inner thigh, loving the way he gasps but doesn’t try to stop me.
“Oh my God,” he pants. “Please, Garrick—”
He gasps again without finishing his sentence, but that’s okay. I already know what he needs.
I flatten my tongue against the base of his pulsing shaft and slowly work my way up, savoring that salty, sweet, manly taste and scent that is one hundred percent Dusty.
�� he threads his fingers through my hair, pulling my head down as I take him into my mouth. “Yes, yes, just like that.”
I swallow him down as he thrusts against me, loving that he’s losing himself more and more with each passing second. Just looking up and seeing him come undone has me hard as a fucking rock, but I resist the urge to get my own cock out.
I’ve already had plenty of fun today. Now it’s Dusty’s turn.
“You taste so good, babe,” I say. “So fucking sweet.”
He moans as I take him down to the base of his cock again, and I suck him deep, wanting to hear more of those sexy little moans.
Dusty doesn’t disappoint me.
He gets louder every time I bob up and down on his shaft. It’s hard to believe that this was the same man who was worried about being seen and heard just a few minutes ago, but I love that he trusts me enough to let go of his inhibitions.
His eyelids flutter as his head falls back against the seat, and I can tell by the way his cock is swelling and his balls are drawing up that he’s close.
“That’s right, beautiful,” I say, stroking his cock as I take a moment to catch my breath. “You’re so damn hot right now. Are you ready to be a good boy and come for me?”
“Yes,” he says, nodding urgently as he looks down at me. “Oh my God, yes. Please, Garrick. I’m so close…”
“Good boy,” I say, teasing the head of his cock with the tip of my tongue, stroking him faster even as he writhes and squirms in his seat. “That’s it, babe. Let go. Come for me, Dusty. Now.”
I take him into my mouth again just as his cock erupts, and I use both hands to pin him in place as I swallow.
Fuck he’s so good.
So delicious.
The perfect combination of sexy and innocent, and he doesn’t even realize it.
I hold him there until I’m certain I’ve sucked every drop from his spent cock, then give his slick shaft one last kiss as I rock back on my heels.
“Do you feel better now, babe?” I ask, grinning as he heaves a contented sigh.